Masterchem: friendly chemistry

Welcome to our website, says Masterchem – the major Estonian supplier of industrial chemicals. Why “friendly chemistry”? First of all, we care about the environment, and our products have good characteristics in terms of environmental friendliness. Secondly – we set really friendly prices for our products!

Masterchem is a very active company with great experience

Each day we ship tons of chemicals from our warehouses, we organize delivery of raw materials to our customers in various countries and regulary deal with selecting and buying high-quality products worldwide. We work vigilantly to make sure that each product is stored in strict accordance with the necessary conditions.

Masterchem offers the following products on a regular basis:

  • acetone
  • solvents
  • thinners
  • methanol
  • ethanol
  • isopropyl alcohol
  • furniture varnishes
  • etc