Butanol (CAS 71-36-3)


Other names: butanol, butyl alcohol

Butanol (butyl alcohol) is a slightly oily liquid. Without color and with a bright well-expressed smell of fusel oil. It is mixed with other organic solvents. Unlike other alcohols, it is slightly soluble in water (7.6 g/100 g)
Application and usage:
The unique molecular formula, physical properties, and chemical properties of this compound determine the breadth of its use in a variety of tasks in the pharmaceutical, light, chemical and other industries. In different directions, different isomers of butanol are involved (primary, secondary and tertiary butyl alcohols, normal isobutanol). Primary butanol is used to dissolve paint products (lacquers, paints, drying oils), alkaloids, resins, plasticizers, rubbers and vegetable oils. With its participation, dibutylbenzene-1,2-dicarbonate, tributyl ether of phosphoric acid, butyl acetate and butyl ether of acrylic acid are created. Also, its use is advisable in the creation of artificial leather, textiles, durable glass, resistant to impact, photographic films and perfumes.

CAS: 71-36-3


Butyl acetate (CAS 123-86-4)


Other names: Butyl acetate, butyl ethanoate, n-Butyl acetate, acetic acid, n-butyl ester, butile.
Butyl acetate – is a volatile and transparent fluid without color or with a slight yellowish tint, with a specific fruity smell. Organic substance of the ester class, organic solvent. Butyl acetate is slightly soluble in water; it is mixed with organic solvents and vegetable oils. It dissolves resins and fats well. Butyl acetate is a good solvent for nitrocellulose, chlorinated rubber, glyptal resins and other film-forming substances used in the paint industry. It is part of many multicomponent solvents, such as solvents 646 and 648.
Chemically, it is a typical representative of esters. It reacts with acids, alkalis, hydrogen, alcohols, hydroxylamine, hydrazine, ORGANOMETALLIC compounds. With ammonia, it forms amides. When heated, it decomposes with the release of gaseous and combustible hydrocarbons-butenes. Practically does not react with oxidizing agents.

Butyl acetate specification (TDS)


Butyl glycol BG (CAS 111-76-2)


2-Butoxyethan-1-ol, 2-Butoxyethanol, Butyl cellosolve, Butyl glycol, Butyl monoether glycol, EGBE (ethylene glycol monobutyl ether), Dowanol EB, Bane-Clene, Eastman EB solvent, BH-33, industrial cleaner, Solvaset, 2-BE, EGMBE, Butyl oxitol, Ektasolve, Jeffersol EB
Butyl glycol is a chemical compound with the formula C6H14O2, is a glycol ether. A low-volatile, high-boiling, low-odor liquid is used as a solvent and synthesis feedstock. Excellent auxiliary solvent in aqueous LCM (water-based paints). Soluble in water, alcohols, glycols, diethyl ether, acetone, chloroform and other organic solvents.


Butyldiglycol BDG (CAS 112-34-5)


Other names: 2-(2-n-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol, 2-Butoxyethoxy, 3,6-Dioxa-1-decanol, 3,6-Dioxadecanol, Butadigol, Butoxydiethylene glycol, Butoxydiglycol, Butoxyethoxyethanol, Butyl Carbitol, Butyl diglycol, Butyl digol, Butyl di-icinol, Butyl dioxitol, Butyl Oxitol glycol ether, Diethylene DB, Diethylene glycol butyl ether, Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether, Diethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether, Diethylene glycol n-butyl ether, Diethylene gylcol monobutyl ether, Diglycol monobutyl ether, Ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-, Ethanol, 2,2′-oxybis-, monobutyl ether, Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, Glycol ether db, Glycol, monobutyl ether, n-Butyl carbitol, O-Butyl diethylene glycol

Diethylene glycol butyl ether (2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol), a Glycol ether solvent, is a clear liquid with a very low odour and high boiling point. It serves as a solvent for paints and varnishes, in the chemical industry, household detergents, brewing chemicals and textile processing. Also, the substance is used as raw material in the chemical synthesis.


Butylglycol acetate (CAS 112-07-2)


Butylglycol acetate (CAS 112-07-2)

Butylglycol acetate acetate is used in a variety of industries as a solvent for nitrocellulose and multicolored lacquers, varnishes, enamels, and epoxy resin. It is useful as a solvent because of its high boiling point. It is also used in the manufacture of polyvinyl acetate latex. It is an ingredient in ink removers and spot removers.


Caffeine (CAS 58-08-2)


Caffeine (CAS 58-08-2)

Trimethylated xanthine that acts as a potent central nervous system stimulant. At higher doses, produces tachycardia and interferes with the uptake and storage of Ca2+ by the sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle. Prevents apoptosis and cell cycle effects induced by Camptothecin (Cat. No. 208925) and topotecan in HL-60 cells.

Caffeine, CAS 58-08-2, is a trimethylated xanthine that acts as a potent central nervous system stimulant. At higher doses, produces tachycardia.


Calcium chloride (CAS 10043-52-4)


Calcium chloride (CAS 10043-52-4)

Calcium chloride is an inorganic compound, a salt with the chemical formula CaCl2. It is a white coloured crystalline solid at room temperature, and it is highly soluble in water. It can be created by neutralising hydrochloric acid with calcium hydroxide.

Calcium chloride is commonly encountered as a hydrated solid with generic formula CaCl2(H2O)x, where x = 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6. These compounds are mainly used for de-icing and dust control. Because the anhydrous salt is hygroscopic, it is used as a desiccant.


Calcium chloride dihydrate (CAS 10035-04-8)


Calcium chloride dihydrate (CAS 10035-04-8)

Calcium chloride is an inorganic compound, a salt with the chemical formula CaCl2. It is a white crystalline solid at room temperature, and it is highly soluble in water. It can be created by neutralising hydrochloric acid with calcium hydroxide.

Calcium chloride is commonly encountered as a hydrated solid with generic formula CaCl2·xH2O, where x = 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6. These compounds are mainly used for de-icing and dust control. Because the anhydrous salt is hydroscopic and deliquescent, it is used as a desiccant.


Calcium chloride hexahydrate (CAS 7774-34-7)


Information Industries: Household chemicals, Fertilizers, Horticulture, Pharmaceutical industry, Building chemistry CAS number: 7774-34-7 WE number: 233-140-8 Chemical formula: CaCl2•6H2O Molar mass: 219,07 g/mol Customs tariff code: 28272000


Calcium formate (CAS 544-17-2)


Calcium formate (CAS 544-17-2)

Calcium formate is the calcium salt of formic acid. It is also known as E238. Under this E number it is used as an animal feed preservative within EU, but not in foods intended for people. Calcium formate is stable at room temperature, is inflammable and forms orthorhombic crystals. The mineral form is very rare and called formicaite, and is known from a few boron deposits.

Calcium formate is used within EU as an animal feed preservative. It acidifies the feed thus preventing microbe growth and increasing shelf life. About 15 g of calcium formate addition per kg of feed lowers its pH by one. 15 g/kg is the maximum recommended feed concentration within EU – this level is thought to be safe for pigs, chickens, fish and ruminants. The compound is not environmentally harmful in feed use at these levels. Calcium formate prevents the growth bacteria such as E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus hirae in growth mediums. It also prevents the growth of fungi like Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. However, the relevance of these experimental observations to feed preservation is not known.


Calcium lactate pentahydrate (CAS 28305-25-1)


Calcium lactate pentahydrate (CAS 28305-25-1)

Calcium lactate is produced by mixing lactic acid with calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide. It has high solubility and dissolving speed, high bioavailability, good taste. It’s a good source of calcium used widely in food &beverage, health products, pharmaceutical and others fields.

– Chemical name: Calcium Lactate
– Standard: Food grade FCC
– Appearance: crystalline powder
– Color: white to cream color
– Odor: almost odorless
– Solubility: Freely soluble in hot water
– Molecular formula: C6H10CaO6·5H2O
– Molecular weight: 308.3 g/mol


Calcium nitrate (CAS 10124-37-5)


Calcium nitrate (CAS 10124-37-5)

Calcium nitrate, also called Norgessalpeter (Norwegian salpeter), is an inorganic compound with the formula Ca(NO3)2(H2O)x. The anhydrous compound, which is rarely encountered, absorbs moisture from the air to give the tetrahydrate. Both anhydrous and hydrated forms are colourless salts. Calcium nitrate is mainly used as a component in fertilizers, but it has other applications. Nitrocalcite is the name for a mineral which is a hydrated calcium nitrate that forms as an efflorescence where manure contacts concrete or limestone in a dry environment as in stables or caverns. A variety of related salts are known including calcium ammonium nitrate decahydrate and calcium potassium nitrate decahydrate.


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