MasterChlor 5000 (Sodium hypochlorite 0,5%)

MasterChlor 5000 (Sodium hypochlorite 0,5%)

Disinfection from COVID-19 should be done with 0.1% sodium hypochloride solution (WHO and Health Department recommendation)

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Product Description

Disinfection from COVID-19 should be done with 0.1% sodium hypochloride solution (WHO and Health Department recommendation)


Sodium hypochlorite in solution exhibits broad spectrum anti-microbial activity and is widely used in healthcare facilities in a variety of settings.It is usually diluted in water depending on its intended use.

“Strong chlorine solution” is a 0.5% solution of hypochlorite (containing approximately 5000 ppm free chlorine) used for disinfecting areas.

This solution is ready to use for disinfection of floors, walls in public places.

This is product recommend Department of Health

Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19

MasterChlor-5000“Weak chlorine solution” is a 0.05% solution of hypochlorite used for washing hands.

To get a 0.05% solution, you must dilute this product in a ratio of 1:10.

To Use:

The use of sodium hypochlorite solutions:

A solution of sodium hypochlorite is used instead of bleach. It is used in the current, final and preventive disinfection for disinfecting various objects and secretions in the foci of infectious diseases, as well as for disinfecting special objects. Disinfection is carried out by irrigation, rubbing, washing, soaking objects that do not deteriorate with this processing method.

  • Disinfection of rooms (floors, walls), simple wooden furniture, outdoor installations is carried out by irrigation with solutions at a concentration of 0.5% active chlorine at a rate of 300-500 ml / m2 at an exposure time of 1 hour. At the end of disinfection, the premises must be aired.
  • Dishes are disinfected when completely immersed in a 0.25-0.5% active chlorine solution, depending on the presence of food debris, for 1 hour at the rate of 1.5 liters of solution per 1 set. At the end of disinfection, the dishes are thoroughly washed with water.
  • Baths, toilets, sinks and other sanitary equipment are twice plentifully irrigated with 0.5% concentration solutions.
  • To disinfect night-time dishes after removing the disinfected contents, use 0.25% active chlorine hypochlorite solutions, after which the dishes are washed with water.
  • Disinfection of the upper layers of soil, asphalt and other objects outdoors is carried out with solutions of hypochlorites in a concentration of 0.5% active chlorine at a rate of 1.5 ml / m2.


5 lit. plastic canister

25 lit plastic canister

200 lit plastic barrel UN

500 lit. UN container

1000 lit. UN container


Store the product at temperatures between 0 ° C and +15 ° C and do not expose it to direct sunlight.

Physical properties:

It is soluble in water.

Density: 1.01 g / cm3 + -0.02 at 20 degrees C

Color: clear colorless liquid

Odor: smell of chlorine


Weight N/A
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5 lit plastic can, 25 lit plastic can, 200 L (without container cost), 500 L (without container cost), 1000 L (without container cost)