Calcium chloride (CAS 10043-52-4)

Calcium chloride (CAS 10043-52-4)

Calcium chloride is an inorganic compound, a salt with the chemical formula CaCl2. It is a white coloured crystalline solid at room temperature, and it is highly soluble in water. It can be created by neutralising hydrochloric acid with calcium hydroxide.

Calcium chloride is commonly encountered as a hydrated solid with generic formula CaCl2(H2O)x, where x = 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6. These compounds are mainly used for de-icing and dust control. Because the anhydrous salt is hygroscopic, it is used as a desiccant.

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Product Description

Industries: Household chemicals, Fertilizers, Horticulture, Building chemistry

CAS number: 10043-52-4
WE number: 233-140-8
Chemical formula: CaCl2
Molar mass: 110,99 g/mol
Customs tariff code: 28272000

Instructions that describe the technology for preparing a 32% solution of calcium chloride by dissolving dry initial salts in water at the dissolution unit.

Individual solid salts of calcium chloride – CaCl2 are used as feedstock.

1. In accordance with the data given in Table 1, pour water into the container.

Table 1. Preparation of 32% calcium chloride solution


Concentration of CaCl2 solution Content of anhydrous CaCl2, 94-97%, кг
in 1 liter of solution in 1 kg of solution for 1 liter of water
32% 0,417 0,32 0,47

2. Turn on the water circulation in the installation.
3. Open the bottom of the bag with a knife and, if possible, slowly pour the contents of the bag into a container of water.
4. Avoid dusting the product. When backfilling, use a respirator to protect the respiratory tract.
5. Circulate the solution until complete dissolution of solid salts. The greater the intensity of circulation of the solution in the tank, the shorter the time for the dissolution of salts.
6. The dissolution of dry calcium chloride is accompanied by intensive heating of the solution (up to 60 ° C), the salt dissolves quickly. Appropriate safety precautions must be observed to prevent thermal burns. For this reason, it is desirable to load dry calcium chloride into a container with water in batches.
7. After complete dissolution of the salts, a sample of the solution is taken into a glass cylinder and, using a hydrometer, the density value is measured to the third decimal place.
8. Taking into account the temperature of the solution, which is determined using a thermometer, compare the obtained density value with the value given in table 2.
Table 2 shows the density values of a 32% solution at different temperatures.
A deviation in the value of the concentration of the prepared solution in the range of 31-33% is permissible. A deviation in the value of the solution concentration of ±1% corresponds to a deviation in the value of the density of the solution of approximately ±0.007 g/cm3.

Table 2. Density of 32% calcium chloride solution at various temperatures

Temperature, °С Density, g/cm3
10 1,3536
15 1,3286
20 1,3036
25 1,2786
30 1,2536
35 1,2286
40 1,2036
45 1,1786
50 1,1536

9. The finished solution is pumped into a storage tank.

Dimensions N/A
Pieejamais apjoms

25 kg bag, 1000 kg